Daniëlle van Voorst

Labor Law and Leadership: Why Good Leadership Also Has Labor Law Consequences.

Labor law regulates the rights and obligations of employees and employers. A recent court case shows how important it is to make clear agreements and show good leadership. This also applies to changes in a function or improvement processes. In this case, an employee did not agree with the start of the improvement process,

Labor Law and Leadership: Why Good Leadership Also Has Labor Law Consequences. Read More »

Attention landlords in the Kingdom of the Netherlands

An Overview of Tenancy Law: The Netherlands, Curacao, and the BES Islands Tenancy law is a fundamental part of the legal system in many countries and territories around the world. While the basic principles may be similar, the specific rules and regulations can vary widely, even within the Kingdom. In this article, we will discuss the differences between the Dutch, Curacao, and BES Islands.

Attention landlords in the Kingdom of the Netherlands Read More »